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NFTs that absorb CO2


Expand your climate action by adding more carbon to your NFT.
NFTs with more locked carbon make a bigger impact.

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Available CHAR: --

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How it works

This collection of plant-themed NFTs combines verifiable carbon removal credits with generative art for the first time, making climate action accessible to the masses. Each NFT is embedded with 10 kg of verified carbon removal credits upon minting. The credits come from biochar projects certified through the leading biochar standard, Additional carbon can be added to increase your climate impact, and retirement support will be available at a later date.

This functionality is enabled by Toucan’s Green NFT Extension, which allows users to add carbon to NFTs, tracked for each token ID within a collection. This extension can be used with any new or existing ERC-721 collection.

All embedded carbon is sourced via Toucan’s CHAR carbon pool, which bundles tokenized carbon removal credits from top biochar projects around the world.

Want to use the Green NFT Extension for your project? Contact us at